Sie sind hier: Startseite Offene Stellen PhD position in TIAMO – Trapping Ions, Atoms and Molecules Optically – interaction in the ultra-cold quantum regime

PhD position in TIAMO – Trapping Ions, Atoms and Molecules Optically – interaction in the ultra-cold quantum regime

A PhD position is available in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg


The successful candidate will contribute to the research field of ultra-cold interaction and controlled quantum physics/chemistry. We realized trapping durations of atoms and ions in an optical dipole trap for several seconds and the confinement of linear Coulomb crystals in absence of any radio-frequency (rf) fields. This allows circumventing the fundamental limitations in conventional Hybrid traps set by rf driven heating.  Recently we demonstrated the onset of sympathetic cooling of an ion emerged into the atomic ensemble in an all-optical trap.

He/she will extend and realize experimental methods, starting by studying Feshbach resonances between ions and atoms with the prospect to test theoretical predictions and to control the interaction. The approach is intended to reach several orders of magnitude lower temperatures compared to state of the art, to permit the control on the level of individual quanta and to provide insight into the regime where quantum effects dominate the dynamics.   

Candidates should have experience or strong interest in atomic or quantum optical physics, preferably with a background in laser cooling and trapping neutral or charged particles. 

Inquiries and applications should be sent to Helga Mueller ( - Tobias Schaetz cc) and include a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae and the contact details of at least two referees.

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