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PostDoc position in QSim – Experimental Quantum Simulations based on Arrays of Individually Trapped Ions.

A postdoc position is available in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg

Recently, we realized trapping three ions within a basic triangular array. While cooling close to the motional ground sate and coherent control has been demonstrated at each site individually, we achieved motional coupling and interference between the sites and interference in 2D directly as well as induced by Floquet-engineering of the local potential wells. For the latter, we were still limited to coherent states of motion due to the currently untreated surfaces and the related motional heating. State-of-the-art surface treatment with a recently installed Ar-ion gun should allow to boost coherence times, currently limited to the same order of magnitude as the tunnling rates, by two orders of magnitude.

He/she will extend and realize experimental methods, e.g. starting to study phonons tunnling along lattice sites along different pathways. As proposed in the year 2012, this should allow to study the Aharonov Bohm effect and the related physics of artificial gauge fields. Here, the phonons do not remain restricted to provide a data bus between ions, as exploited for gate operations in QIP, but to act as effective charged particles accumulating path-dependent phases (for details, please refer to our web site/publications).

The position will be will be funded through and fully embedded in the Basel-Freiburg Centre for Quantum Science and Quantum Computing Q2SC []. This Centre has been established in the year 2017 to foster academic research into the 2nd generation of quantum technologies, exploring control of the quantum properties of elementary building blocks, and of their orchestrated interaction, to enhance targeted functional properties.

Candidates should have a PhD degree in atomic, molecular or quantum optical physics, preferably with a background in laser cooling and trapping neutral or charged particles. They should have a well-established record of scientific research, pronounced leadership skills as well as a strong motivation and commitment to research.

Inquiries and applications should be sent to Helga Mueller ( - Tobias Schaetz cc) and include a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae including a list of publications and the contact details of at least two referees.

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