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  • Exploring atom-ion Feshbach resonances below the s-wave limit Icon BaLi
    F. Thielemann, J. Siemund, D. von Schoenfeld, W. Wu, P. Weckesser, K. Jachymski, T. Walker, T. Schaetz –
  • Phase-Stable Traveling Waves Stroboscopically Matched for Super-Resolved Observation of Trapped-Ion DynamicsIcon Paula
  • F. Hasse, D. Palani, R.Thomm, U. Warring, T. Schaetz
  • Floquet-engineered vibrational dynamics in a two-dimensional array of trapped ions  Icon Bermuda 
    P. Kiefer, F. Hakelberg, M. Wittemer, A. Bermúdez, D. Porras, U. Warring, T. Schaetz
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 213605 (2019) – arXiv:1907.06376 (2019)
  • Phonon pair creation by inflating quantum fluctuations in an ion trap Icon Paula
     M. Wittemer, F. Hakelberg, P. Kiefer, J.-P. Schröder, C. Fey, R. Schützhold, U. Warring, T. Schaetz
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 180502 (2019) – arXiv:1903.05523 (2019)

 Quantum Computation (before 2006):

  • Enhanced quantum state detection efficiency through quantum information processing
    T. Schaetz, M. D. Barrett, D. Leibfried et al.
  • Quantum Dense Coding with atomic qubits
    T. Schaetz , M. D. Barrett, D. Leibfried et al.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 040505 (2004)
  • Realization of quantum error correction
    J. Chiaverini, D. Leibfried, T. Schaetz et al.
    Nature 432, 602 (2004).
  • An Error-Resistant Method for Heisenberg-Limited Spectroscopy using Generalized GHZ states
    D. Leibfried, M. D. Barrett, T. Schaetz et al.
    Science 304, 1476 (2004).
  • Quantum teleportation with atomic qubits
    M. D. Barrett, J. Chiaverini, T. Schaetz et al.
    Nature 429, 737 (2004).
  • Ein atomarer Abakus
    D. Leibfried and T. Schaetz
    Physik Journal 1, 23 (2004).
  • Towards a scalable quantum computer/simulator based on trapped ions
    T. Schaetz, D. Leibfried, J. Chiaverini et al.
    Appl. Phys. B 79, 979 (2004).
  • Sympathetic cooling of (9)Be+ and (24)Mg+ for quantum logic
    M. D. Barrett, B. DeMarco, T. Schaetz et al.
    Phys. Rev. A. 68, 042302 (2003).
  • Building Blocks for a Scalable Quantum Information Processor Based on Trapped Ions
    T. Schaetz, D. Leibfried, M. Barrett et al.
    Journal of Optics B (invited) 79, 979 (2004).
  • Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions
    M. Barrett, T. Schaetz, J. Chiaverini, et al.
    ICAP proceeding, 350 (2004).
  • Quantum information processing with trapped ions
    D. Wineland et al.
    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 361, 1349 (2003).
  • Trapped Atomic Ions and Quantum Information Processing
    D. Wineland et al.
    ICAP proceedings, 103 (2006).
  • Recent experiments in trapped-ion quantum information processing at NIST
    J. Chiaverini et al.
    SPIE proceedings 6256, 324 (2006).
  • Long-Lived Qubit Memory Using Atomic Ions
    C. Langer et al.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 060502 (2005).
  • Quantum Control, Quantum Information Processing, and Quantum-Limited Metrology With Trapped Ions
    D. Wineland et al.
    ICOLS proceedings, 393 (2005).
  • Implementation of the Semiclassical Quantum Fourier Transform in a Scalable System
    J. Chiaverini et al.
    Science 308, 997 (2005).

Crystalline Ion Beams - Pallas (before 2006):

  • Crystalline Ion Beams
    T. Schätz, U. Schramm and D. Habs
    Nature 412, 717 (2001)
  • Bunched Crystalline Ion Beams
    U. Schramm, T. Schätz, and D. Habs
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 184801 (2001)
  • Three-Dimensional Crystalline Ion Beams
    U. Schramm, T. Schätz, and D. Habs
    Phys. Rev. E 66, 036501 (2002)
  • Crystallization of Ion Beams in the rf storage ring Pallas
    T. Schätz, U. Schramm, M. Bussmann, D. Habs
    Applied Physics B 76, 183 ( invited, 2003)
  • Stability of crystalline ion beams
    T. Schätz, U. Schramm, and D. Habs
    Proc. 3rd Euroconf. on "Atomic Physics at Accelerators (APAC01)", Aarhus, Denmark, Sept. 8.-13.2001, J. Hangst (Edt.), Hyperfine Int. 146/147, 203 (2003)
  • Crystalline ion beams in Pallas (Review)
    T. Schätz, U. Schramm, and D. Habs
    Proc. Int. Workshop on "Ion Beam Cooling", Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 12.-14.2001, A. Noda (Edt.)
    World Scientific Singapore, 74 (2003)
  • Cooling and Heating of Crystalline Ion Beams
    U. Schramm, T. Schätz, M. Bussmann, D. Habs
    Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on "Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Interactions" Wildbad-Kreuth, Germany, August 26.-30.2002
    Journal of Physics B 36, 561 (2003)
  • Spatial compression of bunched crystalline ion beams
    U. Schramm, T. Schätz, M. Bussmann, D. Habs
    Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on "Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings (STORI02)", Uppsala, Sweden, June 16.-20.2002
    Physica Scripta T104 189 (2003)
  • Storage of crystalline beams
    U. Schramm, T. Schätz, M. Bussmann, D. Habs
    Proc. Int. Conf. on "Particle Accelerators PAC 2003" Portland/Oregon, USA, May 12.-16.2003
  • Observations on bunched crystalline beams (Review)
    U. Schramm, M. Bussmann, T. Schätz, D. Habs
    Proc. Int. Conf. on "Quantum Aspects of Beam Physics" Hiroshima, Japan, January 7.-10.2003
    World Scientific (in press)
  • Structural changes in bunched crystalline ion beams
    M. Bussman, U. Schramm, T. Schätz, D. Habs
    Proc. Int. Conf. on "Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems SCCS" Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, September 2.-6.2002
    Journal of Physics A 36, 6119 (2003)
  • The quest for crystalline ion beams (Review)
    U. Schramm, T. Schätz, M. Bussmann, D. Habs
    Proc. 29th EPS Conf. on "Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion", Montreux, Switzerland, June 17.-22.2002
    Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 44, B375 (2002)
  • Laser-cooling of Ions and Ion Acceleration in the RF-Quadrupole Ring Trap PALLAS
    U. Schramm, T. Schätz, and D. Habs
    Proc. 16th Int. Conf. on the "Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI)", Denton, TX/USA 11/2000, J.L. Duggan (Edt.), AIP Conference Proceedings 576, 667 (2001)
  • Towards crystalline ion beams - the PALLAS ring trap
    T. Schätz, D. Habs, C. Podlech J. Wei and U. Schramm
    Proc. Int. Conf. on "Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics", Monterey, CA/USA, Aug. 31.-Sept. 4. 1998, D. Dubin, D. Schneider (Eds.)
    AIP Conf. Proc. 457 (Woodbury 1999) 269
  • Experimental approaches to crystalline ion beams
    T. Schätz, U. Schramm, D. Habs
    Proc. 3rd Euroconf. on "Atomic Physics with Stored Highly Charged Ions", Ferrara, Italy, Sept. 22.-26. 1997
    Hyperfine Int. 115 (1998) 29
  • Development of a Penning trap system in Munich
    D. Habs, M. Gross, S. Heinz, O. Kester, VS. Kolhinen, J. Neumayr, U. Schramm, T. Schatz, J. Szerypo, P. Thirolf, C. Weber
    Eurpean Physical Journal A 25, 57 (2005)

Heavy-Ion Storage Ring TSR (until 2000):

  • Transverse laser cooling of a fast stored ion beam through dispersive coupling
    I. Lauer, U. Eisenbarth, M. Grieser, R. Grimm, P. Lenisa, V. Luger, T. Schaetz, U. Schramm, D. Schwalm, and M. Weidemüller
    Phys.Rev.Lett. 81, 2052 (1998)
  • Laser cooling of fast stored ions in barrier buckets 
    U. Eisenbarth, B. Eike, M. Grieser, R. Grimm, P. Lenisa, V. Luger, M. Mudrich, T. Schaetz, U. Schramm, D. Schwalm, and M. Weidemüller 
    Nucl. Instr. and Math. A 441, 209 (2000)
  • Anomalous behaviour of laser-cooled fast ion beams 
    U. Eisenbarth, M. Mudrich, B. Eike, M. Grieser, R. Grimm, V. Luger, T. Schätz, U. Schramm, D. Schwalm, and M. Weidem?ler 
    Proc. 1st Euroconf. on "Atomic Physics at Accelerators (APAC99)", Mainz, Germany, Sept. 19.-24. 1999, Hyperfine Int. 127, 223 (2000)
  • Transverse laser cooling of fast ion beams at the storage ring TSR 
    R. Grimm, U. Eisenbarth, M. Grieser, P. Lenisa, I. Lauer, V. Luger, D. Schwalm, M. Weidemüler, T. Schätz, U. Schramm 
    Proc. Workshop on "Quantum Aspects of Beam Physics", Monterey, CA/USA, Jan. 4.-6. 1998, P. Chen (Edt.), World Scientific (Singapore 1999) 200 


Relativistic Laser-Plasmas (before 2000):

  • MeV gamma-ray yield from solid targets irradiated with fs-laser pulses
    C. Gahn, G. Pretzler, A. Saemann, G.D. Tsakiris and K.J. Witte
    D. Gassmann, T. Schaetz, U. Schramm, P.G. Thirolf and D. Habs
    Appl.Phys.Lett.73, 3662 (1998)
  • Neutron production by 200 mJ ultrashort laser pulses
    G. Pretzler, A. Saemann, K. Eidmann, A. Pukhov, D. Rudolph, T. Schaetz, U. Schramm, P.G. Thirolf, D. Habs, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, G.D. Tsakiris and K.J. Witte
    Phys.Rev.E 58, 1165 (1998)
  • Particle Physics with Petawatt Class Lasers
    S. Karsch, D. Habs, T. Schaetz et al.
    Laser and Particle Beams 17, 565 (1999).

Mass Spectrometry (before 1998):

  • Depth profiles of long-lived cosmogenic radionuclides in Mbale
    S. Merchel, U. Herpers, S. Neumann, R. Michel, P.W. Kubik, M. Suter, T. Faestermann, K. Knie, G. Korschinek and T. Schaetz
    Meteoritics and Planetary Science 32, A90 (1997).
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